Sunday, June 12, 2011


The entity of politics interests some and draws the ire of everyone else. Many simply do not want to talk about it, and friendly conversation about the subject often turns to heated and rather unfriendly debate. Hot button issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage and immigration tend to be where said unfriendly debates end up.

Much of this blog may be making up my own mind about some political issues through research. In some cases, my mind has already been made and I will present a balanced argument for both sides.

In most cases, I suspect that this will devolve into an evaluation of some of the 2012 Republican Candidates and their actions helping and hurting their chances. I will also cover Obama and how he uses his power building up towards the election.

The title of this blog was left ambiguous for a reason, however. Sometimes I feel the need to rant about something loosely to do with a state politician or international politics. In advance, I apologize.

In the next few days, I will post my own feelings about this upcoming election.

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